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MD21 Update - Nov 2019

Congratulations to our newly elected MD21 officers:  21N - DGE Chuck Matthews and 1VDGE Joyce Mayer / 21S - DGE Keith Alexander, 1VDGE Richard Hopkins and 2VDGE  Jim Kuhn / Council Chair - PDG Barb Daily.  Get ready to new beginnings and adventures for MD21 2020-21!   Thank you to all who made the historic Midyear event successful!    Thank you to the kind anonymous donor of the "$1 cancer awareness ribbons”.  Lion Grace, 21C Cancer Awareness Chair will use the money for christmas gifts to the Phoenix Childrens Hospital-Pediatric cancer unit. 



Important event dates and various Resources available:  


1.  October 2019 Club Health Assessment  - District 21C  & MD21 



Cancelled clubs:  Bradshaw Mountain , Mesa Dreamcatchers, Mesa Vietnamese.



2.   Cheers and thank you to the following clubs that are now onboard with the MyLion Service Reporting.   

- Scottsdale Kachina

- Prescott Sunrise

- Pride of Scottsdale


The list of clubs (by Zone) that have not reported their service activities was sent to the zone chairs on a separate email. ZC’s, kindly follow-up with your clubs.  

Looking forward for the clubs to fall off the "no report” list.


Leos advisers can also enter Leo service activities separately.  


Problems with MyLion for the Service Reporting:  contact  /  630-468-7000  / 8AM to 6PM CST. (no long wait time). 

The Tech will walk you thru the process.   


The handout and powerpoint presentation below are helpful guides for Service Activity reporting:





     *** Friendly reminder:  enter “no update” at the beginning of every monthly for the Monthly Membership Report (MMR).  You can update as you welcome new members to your    club.


3.   Be informed...If you are not receiving your Canyon State Lion online:  kindly contact Lion Eddie  - to be included in the email list.



4.  Tax filing Reminder: Form 990-N e-postcard



5.  Congratulations to our MD21 ALLI graduates (Nov 9-11 Advanced Lions Leadership Institute) - Chicago:  1VDGE Joyce Mayer and 2VDGE Jim Kuhn!  I am sure that what you have learned will be put to great use.  Roarr...


6.  Nov 15 & 16: VRATE 2019 -  learn about resources available to assist you with your VISION & hearing loss volunteer service to the community. Bring your group and come to the Arizona’s Vision Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Expo.  This is FREE to the Public.  Contact PCC Tom Simmons to volunteer and additional information.




7.  Nov 16 &17 - AZ Lions will have a booth at the Arizona Asian Festival.  This is another opportunity to find prospective members to join our service organization.  Invite them to your upcoming service opportunity.



8.   Dec 13 & 14 - Volunteers are needed for AZMOM (Arizona Mission of Mercy) to provide Vision screening at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.  

Please contact Lion Donna Harris / for details.


9.  Dec 17 to19 - Arizona School Board Association Annual Conference(ASBA).  The Lions of AZ will have a booth at the JW Marriot Desert Ridge.  This is another opportunity to showcase what we do and get leads on prospective members to help us serve our communities.  Clubs are requested to donate door prizes and bring old Lions magazine at the Midyear for this event. Volunteers are still needed to man the booth on Dec.18.  Please contact 1st VDG Richard Hopkins at for questions. 



10.  Jan 18, 2020 - Melvin Jones Lions International Memorial Rededication - Your re-dedication to lionism.  Int’l. Guest speaker:  2nd VP Brian Sheehan from Bird Island!




11.  Jan 25, 2020 - MD21 Lions Service Rally Day.  Are you ready?  Any kind of service activity is acceptable but no fundraisers/meeting.  




12.  Campaign 100:  LCIF Empowering Service. Find the program that fits your club to support our Foundation.  One hundred percent of your donation to LCIF fuels grants and programs supporting Lions compassionate service and benefiting those in need of a more promising future.



13.  AZ Gov signed the State Senate Bill 1456 requiring AZ school children to have vision screening.  AZ Non-profits such as the Lions clubs can help out.  Clubs who currently don’t have a spot screener can apply for a grant to get one.  Kindly access the link below for more details about the grant and application form.   Clubs can contact Lion Jeannette with the AZ Lions Vision and Hearing foundation to assist with school screening and borrow spot screeners.



14.  We are looking forward to forming new clubs.  Guiding lions can go on the link below to take the training and get certified by LCI.  Certification good for 2 years.



15.  Save the date:  21C Convention on March 20-22, 2020 in Williams AZ.  Let’s celebrate Williams Lions Club 75 years of service!  Lots of fun and activities! Group /promo rates available for Bearizona and Train ride to Grand Canyon & back.  Please check out Canyon State Lion for more information.


16.  June 26-30, 2020 Lions Clubs International Convention .  Get ready to experience Singapore!

-  Online registration will start Mid November.

- "Texting Tree” communication 

- NEED volunteers with free unlimited text phone plan to lead

-  attendees need to give us their name, cell phone#  and club

- secretary to send Club voting delegates/alternates  



Zone & Region Chairs:

- Please share/forward this email to your clubs.   Club Secretary , kindly forward to the members. Thank you!

- It’s time to schedule your zone meetings!  Kindly advise date.


FOOD FOR THOUGHT:  “Leadership and Learning should not remain in the head.  They have to find their way to our heart and manifest themselves through our action. That action is service”.  - Lion Rosemarie


Let’s rock MD21 with effective and passionate leaders to grow our clubs and serve the communities. Thank you for all you do.  Roar….


Happy Thanksgiving in advance!!  gobble…gobble…  Let our service be a thanksgiving of all the blessings we receive. 

Lion Rosemarie


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