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2021-01-13 MD21 Newsletter (3).png
2021-01-13 MD21 Newsletter (4).png
2021-01-13 MD21 Newsletter (5).png

Hello Club President and Secretary,


Please inform your club members of the information below.


Online Roundtable for Club Presidents, Vice Presidents and Directors

A virtual “Roundtable” meeting for club presidents, vice presidents and directors is scheduled for Thursday evening, January 28.  This online event will provide a unique opportunity for club leaders to discuss key issues for navigating their respective clubs and members into the new year.


The forum discussion will start with a brief, status overview of how and where each district and the multiple district lies amid the covid-recovery.  We’ll address current trends and highlight a few success scenarios that are available, as well as outline what each club should be completing administratively between January and the end of this Lionistic year (June).


Most important, this online “Roundtable” will be an opportunity for top club leadership – those who set club policy (board members) and the current presidents and executive team (vice presidents) – to network and discuss candidly what’s working (and what’s not) in preparing to guide Lions members through this post-Covid malaise.

This will not be a ‘talking heads’ dissertation, but an open and candid discussion among club leaders from both districts focused towards creating success at the club level – sharing ideas, gaining a new perspective, and recognizing that each club is not alone in trying to make a difference moving forward.


Save the date:  January 28.  Mark the time: 7pm online.  We’ll make every effort to keep this online “Roundtable” to only one hour of discussion.  Register for this forum online at:

Moderators for the online “Roundtable” will be the district and multiple district global leadership team led by PDG Tom Price.  Participants encouraged to be a part of the Roundtable are club presidents, current club vice presidents, and current club board members.


With more than 100 clubs in Arizona, we are hoping that each club – in each zone and district – can have at least one representative attending this online forum.   Register online.  After registering, each participant will receive a confirmation email, as well as appropriate support material and resources to facilitate the roundtable discussions.


Submitted by PDG Ken Leja, GLT-D21-N



Eddie Richardson

Executive Director

Lions Foundation of Arizona, Inc.

District 21 North Cabinet Secretary

President, Phoenix Valley of the Sun Lions Club

Vision Rehabilitation & Technology Expo Association, Treasurer

3124 E. Roosevelt Street, #3

Phoenix, AZ  85008

Phone: 602 244-9757

2021-01-09 2nd Annual AZ Lions Service R
Rally Day 2021.jpg

All Events Cancelled due to increase in covid numbers

MD21 State Convention 2021 is history ma
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