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D21-N Kickoff 2022


Updated: Aug 11, 2022

Lots of fun at the D21-N Kickoff today. Fabulous speakers and activities to help us make positive changes this year and in the years to come. Sat with members of other Lions Clubs in our Zone. Looking forward to sharing many more Zone activities, challenges and service opportunities during the 2022-2023 Lion Year. This year's Presidential Theme, "TOGETHER WE CAN!" "Each of us can do so much good on our own, but Together We Can make the impossible, possible. Because to accomplish big things, we all need to roll up our sleeves and do our part. And together, we can make our communities—and the world—a better place for all people." International President Brian Sheehan Looking forward to the MidYear Conference and Leadership Forum November 4-6th in Tucson!


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